Everything is Connected

Some Applications of Wasserstein Distances

Word count: 1.3kReading time: 8 min
2019/11/09 Share


The original setting for optimal mass transportation (OMT) consists of three objects.

  1. Two probability spaces \((X,\mu)\) and \((Y,\nu)\). i.e. \(\mu(X)=\nu(Y)=1\);
  2. A measurable map \(T:X\to Y\) such that \(T_*\mu=\nu\). i.e. for any Borel set \(B\subset Y\) it holds \(\nu(B)=\mu(T^{-1}(B))\).
  3. A cost function \(c:X\times Y\to \mathbb R_+\cup\{\infty\}\) such that for any \(T\) in 2. the map \(c_T(x)=c(x,T(x))\) is measurable. The integration \(\int_X c(x,T(x))d\mu\) is called the total cost.

We require that \(X\) and \(Y\) are probability spaces. However, in practicing many examples do not arise naturally as probability spaces. In those cases we require \(\mu(X)=\nu(Y)\) for finite or infinite measures. In the second setting note that we use the pushforward of \(\mu\) but not the pullback of \(\nu\). This has a practical meaning, see Villani for a reference.

The original problem is raised by Monge that one needs to find a 'transference plan' \(T\) to minimize the total cost \(\int_X c(x,T(x))d\mu\).

Despite solving Monge's problem, consider the special case where \((X,d)\) is a metric space. \(\mu\) and \(\nu\) are two measures on \(X\) with finite \(p\)th moments, i.e. \(\int_Xd(x,x_0)^pd\mu<\infty,\int_Xd(x,x_0)^pd\nu<\infty\) for any \(x_0\in X\). Let \(T:X\to X\) range over all measure preserving map so that we can obtain the quantity \((\inf\{\int_Xd(x,T(x))^p\})^{1/p}\) which is called the \(p\)th Wasserstein distance between \(\mu\) and \(\nu\), denoted by \(W_p(\mu,\nu)\). It can be proved that \(W_p\) is a metric on the space of measures with finite \(p\)th order on \(X\).

Shape Classification

Here is an example that Wasserstein distance is used to classify shapes. See this paper for details of methods, and this paper for details of proofs.

Let \(\mathbb D\) be the unit disk in \(\mathbb R^2\) (generally any compact and convex set in \(\mathbb R^n\) can be considered), equipped with Lebesgue measure \(m\). Let \(Y=\{y_1,\cdots,y_k\}\) be a discrete subset in \(\mathbb R^2\) with weighted counting measure \(\delta=\sum_{i=1}^k b_i\delta_{y_i}\) such that \(\delta(Y)=\pi\). In other words, we have two measures on \(\mathbb R^2\) where the first is supported on \(\mathbb D\) and the second is supported on \(Y\). Monge's problem states that a map \(f:\mathbb D\to Y\) such that \(f_*m=\nu\) is to be find to minimize \(\int_{\mathbb D}|x-f(x)|^2dx\), where we use the standard metric on \(\mathbb R^2\). Note that \(Y\) is discrete. This problem is equivalent to partition \(\mathbb D\) into \(k\) subsets \(D_1\cup\cdots\cup D_k\) such that \(m(D_i)=b_i\). Therefore, we can use techniques in convex geometry.

Let \({\bf h}=(h_1,\cdots,h_k)\in\mathbb R^k\). Define a piecewise linear convex function \(u_{\bf h}(x)=\max\{x\cdot y_i+h_i\}\). Let \(G({\bf h})\) be the graph of \(u_{\bf h}\). Then \(G({\bf h})\) is a piecewise hyperplane. The projection of \(G({\bf h})\) to \(\mathbb D\) gives a cell decomposition \(\mathbb D=\cup_{i=1}^k W_i\), where each \(W_i\) corresponds to a piece of plane \(\{(x,x\cdot y_i+h_i)|x\in W_i\}\). Assign each \(W_i\) to \(y_i\). By moving \({\bf h}\) we can find the request assignment with \(m(W_i)=b_i\). The fact is that, this is the unique map minimizing the total cost (see Brenier, Aurenhammer). Therefore, the problem reduces to find \({\bf h}\) in some suitable space \(H_0\). This is done by using Newton's method after defining an objective function \(E({\bf h})\) which is twice differentiable and the hessian is given in a closed form.

For two arbitrary surfaces \(M_1,M_2\) in \(\mathbb R^3\) (represented by meshes), we use conformal maps to map \(M_i\) to unit disks \(\mathbb D_i\). For the first disk \(\mathbb D_1\) we equip it with Lebesgue measure. For the second disk \(\mathbb D_2\) we assign each point (projected from \(M_2\)) a value so that it is equipped with a weighted counting measure. The Wasserstein distance from \(\mathbb D_1\) to \(\mathbb D_2\) (in fact. \(m\) to \(\delta\)) measures the difference between \(M_1\) and \(M_2\).


Consider the following example: \(X=\{x_1,\cdots,x_n\}\) and \(Y=\{y_1,\cdots,y_n\}\) are finite sets with the same cardinality. Equip \(X\) and \(Y\) with counting measure. Then a measure preserving map \(f:X\to Y\) is exactly a permutation. In many cases it is not adequate to use 'maps' only, since each \(x_i\) cannot be 'split' under maps. If we are permitted to partition each \(x_i\) into pieces, then a transference plan is a matrix \(\Pi=[\pi_{ij}]\) where \(\sum_j \pi_{ij}=1\) for each \(i\) and \(\sum_{i} \pi_{ij}=1\) for each \(j\), i.e. \(\Pi\) is a bistochastic matrix. This idea was raised by Kantorovich and the more general setting for OMT is

  1. \((X,\mu)\) and \((Y,\nu)\) are probability spaces;
  2. \(\pi\) is a probability measure on \(X\times Y\) such that the maginal distributions are \(\mu\) on \(X\) and \(\nu\) on \(Y\) respectively;
  3. \(c:X\times Y\to \mathbb R_+\cup\{\infty\}\) is a \(\pi\) measurable function. The integration \(\int_{X\times Y}c(x,y)d\pi\) is called the total cost.

Kantorovich's problem is to find a probability measure \(\pi\) so that the total cost is minimized. Note that it is a linear programming problem so we can formulate this in a dual form. The Kantorovich dual problem is \[ W_c(\mu,\nu)=\max_{\phi,\psi}\{\int_X\phi(x)d\mu+\int_Y\psi(y)d\nu\} \] where \(\phi\) and \(\psi\) are functions on \(X\) and \(Y\) respectively and \(\phi(x)+\psi(y)\le c(x,y)\). Define \(\phi^c(y)=\inf_{x\in X}\{c(x,y)-\phi(x)\}\). Then (1) is equivalent to \[ W_c(\mu,\nu)=\max_{\phi}\{\int_X\phi(x)d\mu+\int_Y\phi^c(y)d\nu \} \]


In this paper Wasserstein distance is first introduced to Generative Adversarial Network and the model is called WGAN. A resent paper by Gu Xianfeng etc. used geometry to interprete the role of Wasserstein distance in WGAN.

A GAN consists of a generator (G) and a discriminator (D). (G) generates artificial data and (D) discriminate them from real data. Suppose real data lies in a high dimensional space \(\Chi\) and its distribution \(\nu\) supports around a low dimensional manifold \(\mathcal M\). A local chart \((U,\tau)\) is an open set in \(\mathcal M\) together with a map \(\tau:U\to Z\) from \(U\) to the latent space \(Z\). The inverse of \(\tau\) is called a parametrization. If \(\mu\) is a distribution on \(Z\) then a local parametrization pushes forward \(\mu\) to be a distribution on \(\mathcal M\). i.e. the local parametrization is generator (G). Assume the training parameter for (G) is \(\theta\) and denote the parametrization by \(g_\theta\). (G) generates data on \(\mathcal M\) whose distribution is \((g_\theta)_*\mu\). But how to discriminate it from the real distribution \(\nu\)? The answer is Wasserstein distance \(W((g_\theta)_*,\nu)\). More specifically, by Kantorovich dual we need to compute \[ W_c((g_\theta)_*\mu,\nu)=\max_{\phi}\{\int_Z\phi(g_\theta(z))d\mu+\int_Y\phi^c(y)d\nu\} \] Suppose the training parameter for (D) is \(\xi\). Then we can rewrite (3) as \[ W_c((g_\theta)_*\mu,\nu)=\max_{\xi}(\mathbb E_{z\sim \mu}\phi(g_\theta(z))+\mathbb E_{y\sim \nu}\phi^c(y)) \] Therefore, the discriminator (D) is a calculator computing the Wasserstein distance. Above all, we can write down the objective function of a WGAN \[ \min_{\theta}\max_{\xi}(\mathbb E_{z\sim \mu}\phi(g_\theta(z))+\mathbb E_{y\sim \nu}\phi^c(y)) \]

  1. 1. OMT I
  2. 2. Shape Classification
  3. 3. OMT II
  4. 4. WGAN