Everything is Connected

The Space of Persistence Diagrams

Word count: 2kReading time: 12 min
2019/11/24 Share

Notation. In the following \(\mathbb R^2\) is equipped with \(\infty\)-norm. Let \(\Delta=\{(x,x)|x\in\mathbb R\}\) denote the diagonal, \(\Delta_+=\{(x,y)|y>x\}\) denote the upper off-diagonal points, and \(\overline{\Delta}_+=\Delta\cup\Delta_+\) is the closure of \(\Delta_+\). Set \(\overline{\mathbb N}=\{1,2,\cdots\}\cup\{\infty\}\).

Definition. A persistence diagram \(\mathcal T\) is a pair \((S_{\mathcal T},i_{\mathcal T})\) where \(S_{\mathcal T}\) is a subset of \(\mathbb R^2\) and \(i_{\mathcal T}:S_{\mathcal T}\to \overline{\mathbb N}\) is a function such that

  1. \(\Delta\subset S_{\mathcal T}\subset \overline{\Delta}_+\);
  2. \(i_{\mathcal T}(\Delta)=\{\infty\}\).

\(S_{\mathcal T}\) is called the support of \(\mathcal T\) while \(i_{\mathcal T}\) is called the multiplicity function of \(\mathcal T\).

Two persistence diagrams are said to be equal if they have the same support and multiplicity function. The graph of \(i_{\mathcal T}\), defined by \(G(i_{\mathcal T})=\{^k{\bf x}:=({\bf x},k)\in S_{\mathcal T}\times \overline{\mathbb N}|k\le i_{\mathcal T}({\bf x})\}\), is called the bundle space over \(\mathcal T\). The projection \(\pi_{\mathcal T}:G(i_{\mathcal T})\to S_{\mathcal T}\) to the first factor defines a map from the bundle space to the support with fiber \(\pi_{\mathcal T}^{-1}({\bf x})=\{1,2,\cdots,i_{\mathcal T}({\bf x})\}\) for each point \({\bf x}\in S_{\mathcal T}\). It is an easy consequence that two persistence diagrams are equal if and only if they have the same bundle spaces.

Definition. Let \(\mathcal T_1\) and \(\mathcal T_2\) be two persistence diagrams. Their sum \(\mathcal T_1+\mathcal T_2\) is a persistence diagram where \(S_{\mathcal T_1+\mathcal T_2}=S_{\mathcal T_1}\cup S_{\mathcal T_2}\) is the union of two supports and \(i_{\mathcal T_1+\mathcal T_2}=i_{\mathcal T_1}+i_{\mathcal T_2}\) is the natural extension on \(S_{\mathcal T_1+\mathcal T_2}\).

Let \(0_{\Delta}\) be the trivial persistence diagram whose support is \(\Delta\) and multiplicity function is the constant function \(\infty\). It is clear that \(0_{\Delta}\) is the neutral element for addition. Therefore, the set of persistence diagrams together with addition forms a monoid.

Definition. Let \(\lambda\ge0\) be a nonnegative number. Define the scalar product \(\lambda \mathcal T\) to be the persistence diagram with \(S_{\lambda\mathcal T}=\lambda S_{\mathcal T}=\{\lambda{\bf x}|{\bf x}\in S_{\mathcal T}\}\) and \(i_{\lambda\mathcal T}(\lambda{\bf x})=i_{\mathcal T}({\bf x})\).

Caveat. It is easy to check that \(\lambda(\mathcal T_1 +\mathcal T_2)=\lambda\mathcal T_1+\lambda\mathcal T_2\). However, for \(\lambda_1,\lambda_2\neq 0\), \((\lambda_1+\lambda_2)\mathcal T\) may not equal to \(\lambda_1\mathcal T+\lambda_2\mathcal T\).

Definition. Let \(\mathcal T_1\) and \(\mathcal T_2\) be two persistence diagrams and \(p\ge 1\). The \(p\)th Wasserstein distance between \(\mathcal T_1\) and \(\mathcal T_2\) is defined as \[ W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2)=(\inf_{\gamma}\{\sum_{^k{\bf x}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_1})}||\pi_{\mathcal T_1}(^k{\bf x})-\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma(^k{\bf x}))||_{\infty}^p\})^{1/p} \] where \(\gamma\) ranges over all the bijections from \(G(i_{\mathcal T_1})\) to \(G(i_{\mathcal T_2})\). The summation is interpreted as integration with respect to the counting measure on \(G(i_{\mathcal T_1})\). If such a bijection does not exist, the distance is defined to be \(\infty\).

\(W_p\) is not a metric on the space of persistence diagrams, since \(W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2)=0\) does not imply \(\mathcal T_1=\mathcal T_2\). For example, consider \(\mathcal T_1\) with support \(\{(0,y)|y\in(0,1]\}\cup\Delta\) and for each \((0,y)\) the multiplicity is \(1\). Excise the point \((0,1)\) and we obtain another persistence diagram \(\mathcal T_2\) such that \(W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2)=0\). However, \(\mathcal T_1\) and \(\mathcal T_2\) are not equal.

Definition. Let \(\mathcal T\) be a persistence diagram and \(p\ge 1\). The \(p\)th Wasserstein norm of \(\mathcal T\) is defined as \(||\mathcal T||_{W_p}:=W_p(\mathcal T, 0_{\Delta})\). The \(p\)th finite persistence space is defined as the collection of persistence diagrams with finite \(p\)th Wasserstein norm, i.e. \(\mathcal D_p=\{\mathcal T|||\mathcal T||_{W_p}< \infty\}\).

Example. Let \({\bf x}=(x,y)\in\mathbb R^2\) with \(y>x\). Define the indicator diagram at \({\bf x}\) to be the diagram$\chi^{{\bf x}}_1$ with support $\Delta\cup\{{\bf x}\}$ and $i_{\chi^{\bf x}_1}({\bf x})=1$. Then $||\chi^{{\bf x}}_1||_{W_p}=(y-x)/2$. Similarly, we can define $\chi_k^{{\bf x}}=\sum^k_{r=1}\chi^{\bf x}_1$, called the indicator diagram at ${\bf x}$ in multiplicity $k$. Then $||\chi_k^{\bf x}||_{W_p}=k^{1/p}(y-x)/2$. More generally, we have the following lemma.

Lemma. Let $\mathcal T=\sum_{r=1}^n\chi^{{\bf x}_r}_{1}$ be a finite sum of indicator diagrams. Then $||\mathcal T||_{W_p}=(\sum_{r=1}^n||\chi_1^{{\bf x}_r}||^p_{W_p})^{1/p}$. As a consequence, for any \(\mathcal T\in\mathcal D_p\) and \({\bf x}\in S_{\mathcal T}\backslash\Delta\), the multiplicity of \({\bf x}\) is finite. i.e. \(i_{\mathcal T}({\bf x})<\infty\).

Remark. In convention, the degree-\(p\) total persistence of a persistence diagram \(\mathcal T\) is defined to be \((2W_p(\mathcal T,0_{\Delta}))^p\). Thus a persistence diagram has finite \(p\)th Wasserstein norm if and only if its degree-\(p\) total persistence is finite. This is why we call \(\mathcal D_p\) \(p\)th finite persistence space.

Theorem. \(W_p\) is a metric on the space \(\mathcal D_p\) for \(p\ge 1\).

Proof. Symmetry is obvious from definition. Let \(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2\in\mathcal D_p\). Assume \(W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2)=0\). Let \(^k{\bf z}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_1})\) and \({\bf z}\) be the corresponding point in \(S_{\mathcal T_1}\). If \({\bf z}\in\Delta\), then it is clear \(^k{\bf z}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_2})\). Suppose \({\bf z}\notin\Delta\). For any \(\epsilon>0\), there is a bijection \(\gamma_{\epsilon}\) from \(G(i_{\mathcal T_1})\) to \(G(i_{\mathcal T_2})\) such that \[ \sum_{^k{\bf x}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_1})}||\pi_{\mathcal T_1}(^k{\bf x})-\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma_{\epsilon}(^k{\bf x}))||_{\infty}^p<\epsilon \] Therefore we have \(||{\bf z}-\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma_{\epsilon}(^k{\bf z}))||_{\infty}^p<\epsilon\). Take \(\epsilon=1/2^{np}\) for \(n=1,2,\cdots\) and denote \(\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma_n(^k{\bf z}))\) by \({\bf z}_n\). If \({\bf z}_n={\bf z}\) for some large \(n\), then \({\bf z}\in S_{\mathcal T_2}\) and \(i_{\mathcal T_1}({\bf z})=i_{\mathcal T_2}(\bf z)\). If \({\bf z}_n\)'s are distinct from \({\bf z}\), we have \(||{\bf z}-{\bf z}_n||_{\infty}<1/2^n\). Writing in coordinates we find that $||\chi^{{\bf z}_n}_1||_{W_p}>||\chi^{\bf z}_1||_{W_p}-1/2^n$. Then $||\mathcal T_2||_{W_p}\ge (\sum_{r=n}^N||\chi_1^{{\bf z}_r}||_{W_p}^p)^{1/p}\ge (N-n)^{1/p}||\chi^{\bf z}_1||_{W_p}-(N-n)^{1/p-1}\frac{1}{2^{n-1}}$. The last inequality holds since \(x^p\) is convex for \(p\ge 1\). Let \(N\) tend to infinity and we have a contradiction that \(||\mathcal T_2||_{W_p}=\infty\). Over all, we conclude that \(^k{\bf z}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_2})\). Hence \(G(i_{\mathcal T_1})\subset G(i_{\mathcal T_2})\) and symmetry implies that \(G(i_{\mathcal T_2})\subset G(i_{\mathcal T_1})\). i.e. \(\mathcal T_1=\mathcal T_2\).

Let \(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2,\mathcal T_3\in\mathcal D_p\). If \(W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2)=\infty\) or \(W_p(\mathcal T_2,\mathcal T_3)=\infty\), then triangle inequality trivially holds. Otherwise, for any \(\epsilon>0\), there are bijections \(\gamma_1:G(i_{\mathcal T_1})\to G(i_{\mathcal T_2})\) and \(\gamma_2:G(i_{\mathcal T_2})\to G(i_{\mathcal T_3})\) such that \[ \begin{aligned} &(\sum_{^k{\bf x}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_1})}||\pi_{\mathcal T_1}(^k{\bf x})-\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma_1(^k{\bf x}))||_{\infty}^p)^{1/p}<W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2)+\epsilon/2\\ &(\sum_{^k{\bf y}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_2})}||\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(^k{\bf y})-\pi_{\mathcal T_3}(\gamma_2(^k{\bf y}))||_{\infty}^p)^{1/p}<W_p(\mathcal T_2,\mathcal T_3)+\epsilon/2 \end{aligned} \] Note that \(\gamma_2\circ\gamma_1\) is a bijection from \(G(i_{\mathcal T_1})\) to \(G(i_{\mathcal T_3})\). Therefore, we have \[ \begin{aligned} & W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_3)\le(\sum_{^k{\bf x}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_1})}||\pi_{\mathcal T_1}(^k{\bf x})-\pi_{\mathcal T_3}(\gamma_2\circ\gamma_1(^k{\bf x}))||_{\infty}^p)^{1/p}\\ &\le(\sum_{^k{\bf x}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_1})}(||\pi_{\mathcal T_1}(^k{\bf x})-\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma_1(^k{\bf x}))||_{\infty}+||\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma_1(^k{\bf x}))-\pi_{\mathcal T_3}(\gamma_2\circ\gamma_1(^k{\bf x}))||_{\infty})^p)^{1/p}\\ &\le(\sum_{^k{\bf x}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_1})}(||\pi_{\mathcal T_1}(^k{\bf x})-\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma_1(^k{\bf x}))||_{\infty}^p)^{1/p}+(\sum_{^k{\bf x}\in G(i_{\mathcal T_1})}(||\pi_{\mathcal T_2}(\gamma_1(^k{\bf x}))-\pi_{\mathcal T_3}(\gamma_2\circ\gamma_1(^k{\bf x}))||_{\infty}^p)^{1/p}\\ &\le W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2)+W_p(\mathcal T_2,\mathcal T_3)+\epsilon \end{aligned} \] where the third line used Minkowski's inequality. Since \(\epsilon\) is arbitrary, the triangle inequality holds.


  1. \(W_p(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2)<\infty\) for \(\mathcal T_1,\mathcal T_2\in \mathcal D_p\);
  2. Note that symmetry and triangle inequality holds for any persistence diagrams, but positive definiteness requires finiteness assumption;
  3. An off-diagonal point of $\mathcal T\in \mathcal D_p$ can not be a cluster point. i.e. for any off-diagonal point ${\bf x}$ in $S_{\mathcal T}$ there is an open ball $B_{\epsilon}({\bf x})$ such that $B_{\epsilon}({\bf x})\cap S_{\mathcal T}=\{{\bf x}\}$. As a consequence, for any $\mathcal T\in\mathcal D_p$, $G(i_{\mathcal T})\backslash G(0_{\Delta})$ is at most countable.

Definition. A persistence diagram \(\mathcal T\in\mathcal D_p\) is called constructible if \(S_{\mathcal T}\backslash\Delta\) consists of finitely many points. The collection of all constructible persistence diagrams is denoted by \(\mathcal C_p\).

Remark. The name 'constructible' comes from the fact that any constructible persistence diagram can be obtained as a persistence diagram of a finite filtration of simplicial complexes.

Theorem. Let \(\mathcal T\in\mathcal D_p\) be arbitrary and \(\epsilon>0\) be any given positive number. There exists \(\mathcal T_c\in\mathcal C_p\) and \(\mathcal T_s\in\mathcal D_p\) such that \(\mathcal T=\mathcal T_c+\mathcal T_s\) with \(||\mathcal T_s||_{W_p}<\epsilon\).

Proof. Enumerate the off-diagonal points $\{{\bf x}_1,{\bf x}_2,\cdots\}=S_{\mathcal T}\backslash\Delta$. By definition, \[ ||\mathcal T||_{W_p}=(\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}||\chi^{\bf x_n}_{k_n}||_{W_p}^p)^{1/p}=(\lim_{l\to\infty}\sum_{||\chi^{\bf x_n}_1||_{W_p}\ge\frac{1}{l}}||\chi^{\bf x_n}_{k_n}||_{W_p}^p)^{1/p}<\infty \] Thus, for \(\epsilon>0\), there exists \(l>0\) such that \(||\mathcal T||_{W_p}^p-\sum_{||\chi^{\bf x_n}_1||_{W_p}\ge\frac{1}{l}}||\chi^{\bf x_n}_{k_n}||_{W_p}^p<\epsilon^p\). Let \(\mathcal T_u\) be the persistence diagram such that \(S_{\mathcal T_u}\) consists of those points in \(\mathcal T\) with \(||\chi^{\bf x}_1||_{W_p}\ge 1/l\) and \(i_{\mathcal T_u}\) is the restriction of \(i_{\mathcal T}\) on \(S_{\mathcal T_u}\), \(\mathcal T_s\) be such that \(S_{\mathcal T_s}\) consists of points with \(||\chi^{\bf x}_1||_{W_p}<1/l\) and \(i_{\mathcal T_s}\) is the restriction of \(i_{\mathcal T}\) on \(S_{\mathcal T_s}\). It is immediate that \(\mathcal T_u\in\mathcal C_p\) and \(||\mathcal T_s||_{W_p}<\epsilon\) and \(\mathcal T=\mathcal T_u+\mathcal T_s\).