Everything is Connected

Random Walk and Graph Spectra

Word count: 3.5kReading time: 21 min
2020/03/27 Share

Random walks arise in many fields in mathematics and physics, recently in network analysis, graph learning, clustering etc. It also has a natural relation with spectral graph theory. The survey written by L.Lovasz presents many beautiful results concerning random walks and graph spectra. We aim to write down some computation details missing in the original succinct paper.

Basic Notions

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a connected, undirected, simple graph with \(n\) nodes and \(m\) edges. Consider the following random walk on \(G\): start from a node \(v_0\); at the \(t\)th step move to the neighbor of \(v_t\) with probability \(1/d(v_t)\). i.e. It is a Markov chain with transition matrix \[ M=D^{-1}A \] where \(A\) is the adjacency matrix and \(D\) is the diagonal matrix such that \(D_{ii}=d(i)=\sum_jA_{ij}\) (\(\textbf{Caveat:}\) in original paper \(D\) is adopted as \(D^{-1}\) here, thus all the indices over \(D\) are reversed in this note). Let \(P_t\) be the distribution at time \(t\). Then \[ (P_t)_i=\sum_j (P_{t-1})_jM_{ji} \] If we assume \(P_t\)'s are column vectors, the matrix form should be written as \[ P_t=M^TP_{t-1} \] A random walk is called stationary if \(P_0=P_1\). We denote the stationary random walk by \(\pi\). A simple calculation shows that \(\pi=D\mathbf{1}/2m\) is a stationary distribution of \(M\). The uniqueness and convergence are shown by the following.

Stationary Distribution

Before discussing about the stationary distribution of the random walk \(M\), we state the Perron-Frobenius theorem which reveals some important properties about nonnegative matrices.

A nonnegative matrix \(A\) is called irreducible if there does NOT exist a permutation matrix \(R\) such that \[ RAR^{-1}=\left[\begin{array}{cc}E&F\\ 0&G\end{array}\right] \] For an irreducible matrix \(A\), the spectral radius \(\rho(A)=r>0\) is an eigenvalue of \(A\), whose corresponding (left /right) eigenspace is unidimensional. Moreover, \(A\) has an (left/right) eigenvector \(v\) associated with \(r\) whose components are all positive, and conversely, eigenvectors whose components are all positive are associated with \(r\).

Consider the special case where \(A\) is the adjacency matrix of an undirected simple graph. \(A\) is irreducible if and only if there does not exist a nontrivial partition \(\{1,2,\cdots, n\}=I\cup J\) such that \(A_{ij}=0\) for \(i\in I\) and \(j\in J\). i.e. \(A\) is irreducible if and only if the graph \(G\) is connected. This criterion easily generalizes to any similarity matrices on graphs. For example, consider \(N=D^{-1/2}AD^{-1/2}\). It is irreducible if and only if \(G\) is connected. Since \(N\) is symmetric, write \(N\) in spectral form \[ N=\sum_k\lambda_kv_kv_k^T \] where \(\lambda_1\ge\lambda_2\ge\cdots\ge\lambda_n\) are eigenvalues of \(N\) and \(v_1,\cdots,v_n\) are corresponding eigenvectors of unit length. Note that \(A\mathbf{1}=D\mathbf{1}\), which gives \(ND^{1/2}\mathbf{1}=D^{1/2}\mathbf{1}\). i.e. \(D^{1/2}\mathbf{1}\) is an eigenvector of \(N\) whose components are all positive. By Perron-Frobenius theorem, \(v_1=\frac{D^{1/2}\mathbf{1}}{\sqrt{2m}}\) and \(\lambda_1=1>\lambda_2\ge\cdots\ge\lambda_n\ge-1\).

A simple calculation shows that \(M=D^{-1/2}ND^{1/2}\) is similar to \(N\). Now we have \[ M^t=D^{-1/2}v_1v_1^TD^{1/2}+\sum_{k\ge 2}\lambda_k^tD^{-1/2}v_kv_k^TD^{1/2}=Q+\Lambda^t \] where \(Q_{ij}=d(j)/2m=\pi(j)\) is such that \(Q^TP=\pi\) for any probability distribution \(P\). Hence if we can prove \(\Lambda^t\to 0\) as \(t\to\infty\) we obtain that \(\pi\) is the stationary distribution. In addition, since \(M\) is similar to \(N\) and \(\lambda_1=1\) is a simple eigenvalue of \(N\), we see that \(\pi\) will be the only probability distribution such that \(M^T\pi=\pi\). Apparently, it suffices to exclude the case where \(\lambda_n=-1\).

Let \(L=D-A\) be the Laplacian matrix, \(\mathcal{L}=D^{-1/2}LD^{-1/2}\) be the normalized Laplacian. Note that \(\mathcal{L}=I-N\). Thus, \(\lambda_n(N)=1-\lambda_1(\mathcal{L})\). By Rayleigh-Ritz theorem, \[ \lambda_1(\mathcal{L})=\sup_f\frac{f^T\mathcal{L}f}{f^Tf} \] Set \(g=D^{-1/2}f\). Then by the fact \((g_i-g_j)^2\le 2(g_i^2+g_j^2)\), \[ \lambda_1(\mathcal{L})=\sup_g\frac{1/2\sum_{i,j}a_{ij}(g_i-g_j)^2}{\sum_ig_i^2d_i}\le\sup_g\frac{\sum_{i,j}a_{ij}(g_i^2+g_j^2)}{\sum_ig_i^2d_i}=2 \] where equality holds if and only if \(g_i=-g_j\) if \(a_{ij}\neq0\). Since \(g\neq 0\), the components of \(g\) is partitioned into two parts. Hence \(\lambda_n(N)=-1\) if and only if \(\lambda_1(\mathcal{L})=-2\) if and only if \(G\) is bipartite.

Overall we proved the following claim about stationary distribution.

Let \(G\) be an undirected, simple, connected, non-bipartite graph, with transition matrix \(M=D^{-1}A\). It possesses a unique stationary distribution \(\pi=D\mathbf{1}/2m\) such that \(M^T\pi=\pi\) and \(\lim_{t\to\infty}P_t=\pi\) for any initial distribution \(P_0\).

Spectra and Access Time

The access time (or hitting time) \(H_{ij}\) is the expected number of steps the first time meeting node \(j\) starting from node \(i\). i.e. \[ H_{ij}=\sum n\times \text{Prob(meet node j in n steps)} \] By definition \(H_{ii}=0\). For \(i\neq j\), by conditional expectation formula \[ H_{ij}=\frac{1}{d_i}(\sum_{k\sim i}1+H_{kj})=1+\frac{1}{d_i}\sum_{k\sim i}H_{kj} \] Let \(J=\mathbf{1}\mathbf{1}^T\) be the all-one matrix. According to the above equation, the matrix \(F=J+MH-H\) is a diagonal matrix. Direct computation shows that \(F^T\pi=\mathbf{1}\). Hence \(F=2mD^{-1}\). The access time matrix satisfies \[ (I-M)H=J-2mD^{-1} \] By the above discussion, the kernel of \(I-M\) is unidimensional. If \(X\) is a solution of (11), then \(X+\mathbf{1}a^T\) gives all the solutions of (11). By the restriction \(H_{ii}=0\), we can solve for the unique \(H\). Let \(V=[v_1,\cdots,v_n]\) be the orthogonal matrix such that \[ N=V\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\lambda_1&&\\&\ddots&\\&&\lambda_n\end{array}\right]V^T \] Set \(U=D^{-1/2}V\). Then we have \[ I-M=U\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0&&\\&\ddots&\\&&1-\lambda_n\end{array}\right]U^{-1} \]

Note the right side of (11) has nothing to do with \(\lambda_i\). We try to get rid of these eigenvalues. Suppose the solution \(X\) has a factor \[ U\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0&&\\&\ddots&\\&&\frac{1}{1-\lambda_n}\end{array}\right]U^{-1} \] The multiplication with (13) gives \[ \sum_{k\ge 2}D^{-1/2}v_kv_k^TD^{1/2}=-D^{-1/2}v_1v_1^TD^{1/2}+I=JD/2m+I \] In addition, multiplying (15) with \(J-2mD^{-1}\) gives \[ (\frac{JD}{2m}+I)(J-2mD^{-1})=J-2mD^{-1} \] Therefore one solution of (11) is \[ \begin{aligned} X&=U\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0&&\\&\ddots&\\&&\frac{1}{1-\lambda_n}\end{array}\right]U^{-1}(J-2mD^{-1})\\ &=D^{-1/2}(\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{v_kv_k^T}{1-\lambda_k})D^{1/2}\mathbf{1}\mathbf{1}^T-2mD^{-1/2}(\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{v_kv_k^T}{1-\lambda_k})D^{-1/2}\\ &=\sqrt{2m}D^{-1/2}(\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{v_kv_k^T}{1-\lambda_k})v_1\mathbf{1}^T-2mD^{-1/2}(\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{v_kv_k^T}{1-\lambda_k})D^{-1/2}\\ &=-2mD^{-1/2}(\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{v_kv_k^T}{1-\lambda_k})D^{-1/2} \end{aligned} \] Finally, we have to subtract the diagonals of \(X\). Since \[ X_{ii}=-2m\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{v_{ki}^2}{(1-\lambda_k)d_i} \] The access time matrix is \(H=X-\mathbf{1}[X_{11},\cdots,X_{nn}]^T\). The elements are \[ H_{ij}=2m\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{1}{1-\lambda_k}(\frac{v_{kj}^2}{d_j}-\frac{v_{ki}v_{kj}}{\sqrt{d_id_j}}) \]

This equation has many applications. For example, we can quickly find the symmetric properties of \(H\).

For any three nodes \(u,v\) and \(w\), \(H_{uv}+H_{vw}+H_{wu}=H_{uw}+H_{wv}+H_{vu}\).

Direct computation shows that the sum \(H_{uv}+H_{vw}+H_{wu}\) is \[ \sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{m}{1-\lambda_k}\left((\frac{v_{ku}}{\sqrt{d_u}}-\frac{v_{kv}}{\sqrt{d_v}})^2+(\frac{v_{kv}}{\sqrt{d_v}}-\frac{v_{kw}}{\sqrt{d_w}})^2+(\frac{v_{kw}}{\sqrt{d_w}}-\frac{v_{ku}}{\sqrt{d_u}})^2\right) \] which is invariant under permutation.

Let \(\pi\) be the stationary walk. Then \(\sum_j\pi_jH_{ij}=\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{1}{1-\lambda_k}\).

Use the fact that \(\pi=D\mathbf{1}/2m\) and \(v_1=D^{1/2}\mathbf{1}/\sqrt{2m}\) which is orthogonal to all \(v_k\). In the summation, \[ \sum_j\pi_jH_{ij}=\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{1}{1-\lambda_k}(\sum_jv_{kj}^2-\frac{v_{ki}}{\sqrt{d_i}}\sum_jv_{kj}v_{1j}\sqrt{2m})=\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{1}{1-\lambda_k} \] Note that this equality is independent of the starting point. Thus we can explain the formula as follows: in a stationary walk, no matter where we start on the graph, the average number of steps before meeting all the other nodes is a fix number which related to the graph spectra. Thus this formula nicely connects random walk with geometry of the graph.

Let \(\pi\) be the stationary walk. Then \(\sum_i\pi_iH_{ij}\ge \frac{(1-\pi_j)^2}{\pi_j}\)

Using again \(v_1\) is orthogonal to \(v_k\), we have \[ \sum_i\pi_iH_{ij}=\frac{2m}{d_j}\sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{1}{1-\lambda_k}v_{kj}^2 \] By Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, \[ \sum_{k\ge 2}\frac{v_{kj}^2}{1-\lambda_k}\sum_{k\ge 2}(1-\lambda_k)v_{kj}^2\ge(\sum_{k\ge 2}v_{kj}^2)^2 \] Note that \(\sum_{k\ge 2}v_{kj}^2=1-\pi(j)\), and \(\sum_{k\ge2}(1-\lambda_k)v_{kj}^2=\sum_{k}(1-\lambda_k)v_{kj}^2=1-N_{jj}=1\). Thus we obtain the claim.

To give an example where the access time is calculable, consider the \(k\)-cube \(Q_k\). Let \(\mathbf{0}=(0,0,\cdots,0)\) and \(\mathbf{1}=(1,1,\cdots,1)\). The nodes are elements in \(\{0,1\}^k\) and two nodes are connected by an edge if they differ by one digit (see hypercube graph ). To find all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of \(M\) (or \(A\) since \(D\) is a scalar matrix), L.Lovasz's paper gives a beautiful construction: for every vector \(b\in\{0,1\}^k\), define \((v_b)_x=(-1)^{b\cdot x}\). i.e. the component of \(v_b\) at node \(x\) is \(1\) if \(b\) and \(x\) share even number of \(1\)'s and is \(0\) otherwise. Note that \[ \sum_ja_{ij}(v_b)_j=\sum_{j:|i-j|=1}(-1)^{b\cdot j} \] Now if \(j\) changes one digit of \(i\) where the component of \(b\) is \(0\), \(b\cdot j=b\cdot i\). This gives \(k-b\cdot\mathbf{1}\) number of \((-1)^{b\cdot i}\). Otherwise (the component of \(b\) is \(1\)) each change from \(j\) will yields \(b\cdot j=b\cdot i\pm 1\), giving \(b\cdot\mathbf{1}\) number of \(-(-1)^{b\cdot i}\). Hence \(v_b\) is an eigenvector of \(M\) with eigenvalue \(1-\frac{2}{k}b\cdot\mathbf{1}\). Normalizing \(v_b\) and using the formula for \(H\) we have \[ \begin{aligned} H(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{1})&=\sum_{b\in\{0,1\}^k,b\neq 0}\frac{k}{b\cdot\mathbf{1}}(1-(-1)^{b\cdot\mathbf{1}})\\ &=k\sum_{j=1}^kC_k^j\frac{1}{2j}(1-(-1)^j)\\ &\ge \frac{k}{2(k+1)}\sum_{j=1}^{k}C_{k+1}^{j+1}(1-(-1)^j)\\ &=\frac{k}{k+1}(2^k-1) \end{aligned} \] To obtain an upper bound, use the identity \(C_k^j=\sum_{p=0}^{k-1}C_p^{j-1}\), where \(C_p^{j-1}=0\) for \(p<j-1\). We have \[ \begin{aligned} H(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{1})&=k\sum_{j=1}^k\sum_{p=0}^{k-1}C_{p}^{j-1}\frac{1}{2j}(1-(-1)^j)\\ &=k\sum_{j=1}^k\sum_{p=0}^{k-1}\frac{1}{2(p+1)}C_{p+1}^{j}(1-(-1)^j)\\ &=k\sum_{p=0}^{k-1}\frac{1}{2(p+1)}\sum_{j=1}^kC_{p+1}^j(1-(-1)^j)\\ &= k\sum_{p=0}^{k-1}\frac{1}{2(p+1)}2^{p+1}\\ &\le k2^{k/2-1}\sum_{p<k/2-1}\frac{1}{1+p}+2\sum_{p\ge k/2-1}2^p\\ &\le 2^{k+1}+k\log k2^{k/2} \end{aligned} \] Thus for large \(k\) the exact value of \(H(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{1})\) is between \(2^k\) and \(2^{k+1}\).

Spectra and Mixing Rate

Let \(\lambda=\max\{|\lambda_2|,|\lambda_n|\}\). By equation (6) we have \[ P_t=(M^T)^tP_0=Q^TP_0+(\Lambda^T)^tP_0=\pi+(\Lambda^T)^tP_0 \] For a random walk starting at node \(i\), i.e. \(P_0(i)=1\), we have \[ P_t(j)=\pi(j)+\sum_{k\ge 2}\lambda_k^t\sqrt{\frac{d(j)}{d(i)}}v_{kj}v_{ki} \] Thus by geometric-arithmetic inequality, \[ |P_t(j)-\pi(j)|\le\lambda^t\sqrt{\frac{d(j)}{d(i)}}\sum\frac{v_{kj}^2+v_{ki^2}}{2}\le \sqrt{\frac{d(j)}{d(i)}}\lambda^t \] Moreover, for any subset \(S\subset\{1,\cdots,n\}\), by Cauchy inequality \(\sum_{s\in S}\sqrt{d(s)}v_{ks}\le\sqrt{\sum_{s\in S}d(s)}\sqrt{\sum_{s\in S}v_{ks}}\), we have \[ |P_t(S)-\pi(S)|\le \frac{|S|+1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{\pi(S)}{\pi(i)}}\lambda^t \] Note that \(P_t(j)\) is nothing but the probability of transferring from node \(i\) to node \(j\) in \(t\) steps. Define the mixing rate \[ \mu=\limsup_{t\to\infty}\max_{i,j}|M^t(i,j)-\pi(j)| \] From equation (25) we immediately have \(\mu=\lambda\). Thus we obtain

The mixing rate of a random walk on a non-bipartite graph is \(\lambda=\max\{|\lambda_2|,|\lambda_n|\}\).

To get rid of \(\lambda_n\), consider the following lazy random walk \[ M_L=\frac{1}{2}I+\frac{1}{2}D^{-1}A=\frac{1}{2}(I+M) \] That is, we have half of the probability to stay rather than move, which is also equal to adding \(d(i)\) loops at each node \(i\). Set \(N_L=D^{-1/2}(D+A)D^{-1/2}\). We have \(D^{1/2}M_LD^{-1/2}=\frac{1}{2}N_L=\frac{1}{2}(I+N)\). If \(Nv=\lambda v\), it holds \(M_LD^{-1/2}v=\frac{1+\lambda}{2}D^{-1/2}v\). Thus we have \(\lambda(M_L)=(1+\lambda(M))/2\ge0\). Furthermore, \[ M_L^t=D^{-1/2}v_1v_1^TD^{1/2}+\sum_{k\ge 2}(\frac{1+\lambda_k(M)}{2})^tD^{-1/2}v_kv_k^TD^{1/2} \] we see that lazy random walk always converges to the stationary distribution, with rate \((1+\lambda_2(M))/2>\lambda_2\), which makes sense that lazy walk is slower.

Thus the mixing rate is closely related to \(\lambda_2\), or equivalently, the spectral gap \(\lambda_1-\lambda_2=1-\lambda_2\). Let \(\emptyset\neq S\subset V\) and \(\nabla(S)\) be the set of edges connecting \(S\) to \(V\backslash S=\bar{S}\), i.e. \(\nabla(S)\) is the edge cut of the graph with respect to \(S\) (see this post ). Define the conductance of the set \(S\) by \[ \Phi(S)=\frac{|\nabla(S)|}{2m\pi(S)\pi(V\backslash S)} \] Here \(\pi(S)=\sum_{s\in S}d(s)/2m=vol(S)/2m\). The conductance of the graph is defined by \[ \Phi=\min_S\Phi(S) \] It turns out that the spectral gap is controlled by the graph conductance.

\(\frac{\Phi^2}{16}\le 1-\lambda_2\le \Phi\)

Recall that the normalized Laplacian is \(\mathcal{L}=D^{-1/2}LD^{-1/2}=I-N\), which implies \(\lambda(\mathcal{L})=1-\lambda(N)=1-\lambda(M)\). The second largest eigenvalue of \(M\) is the second smallest eigenvalue of \(\mathcal{L}\). By Rayleigh-Ritz theorem, \[ 1-\lambda_2=\min_{f\perp D^{1/2}\mathbf{1}}\frac{f^T\mathcal{L}f}{f^Tf} \] Let \(g=D^{-1/2}f\) and set \(g^TDg=1\). By the basic property of graph Laplacian, \[ 1-\lambda_2=\min\{\sum_{i\sim j}(x_i-x_j)^2:\sum_i d(i)x_i=0,\sum_i d(i)x_i^2=1\} \] Let \(S\) be the set with minimum conductance, and consider the vector given by \[ x_i=\left\{\begin{array}{l}a,i\in S\\ b,i\in\bar{S}\end{array}\right. \] where \[ a=\sqrt{\frac{\pi(\bar{S})}{2m\pi(S)}},b=-\sqrt{\frac{\pi(S)}{2m\pi(\bar{S})}} \] Then \[ \sum_{i\sim j}(x_i-x_j)^2=\sum_{i\in S,j\in\bar{S}}\frac{\pi(\bar{S})}{2m\pi(S)}+\frac{\pi(S)}{2m\pi(\bar{S})}+\frac{1}{m}=\frac{|\nabla(S)|}{2m\pi(S)\pi(\bar{S})}=\Phi \] This proves the upper bound. To obtain the lower bound, we first prove the following lemma

Let \(y\in\mathbb{R}^{|V|}\) such that \(\pi(\{i:y_i>0\})\le 1/2\), \(\pi(\{i:y_i<0\})\le 1/2\) and \(\sum_i\pi(i)|y_i|=1\). Then \(\sum_{i\sim j}|y_i-y_j|\ge m\Phi\).

Sort the vector \(y\) such that \(y_1\le y_2\le\cdots\le y_t<0=y_{t+1}=\cdots=y_s<y_{s+1}\le\cdots y_n\). Consider the sets defined by \(S_i=\{1,\cdots,i\}\). For a fixed node \(i\), in the sum \(\sum_{i\sim j}|y_j-y_i|\) the quantity \(y_{i+1}-y_i\) is counted for \(|\nabla(S_i)|\) times if we substitute \(|y_j-y_i|\) by \(y_{j}-y_{j-1}+\cdots+y_{i+1}-y_i\). We have \[ \sum_{i\sim j}|y_i-y_j|=\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}|\nabla(S_i)|(y_{i+1}-y_i)\ge2m\Phi\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(y_{i+1}-y_i)\pi(S_i)\pi(\bar{S}_i) \] Since \(\pi(S_i)\le 1/2\) for \(i\le t\) and \(\pi(S_i)\ge 1/2\) for \(i\ge s+1\), we have \[ \begin{aligned} \sum_{i\sim j}|y_i-y_j|&\ge m\Phi\sum_{i=1}^t(y_{i+1}-y_i)\pi(S_i)+m\Phi\sum_{i=s}^{n-1}(y_{i+1}-y_i)\pi(\bar{S}_i)\\ &=m\Phi\sum_{i=1}^t(-y_i)\pi(i)+m\Phi\sum_{i=s+1}^{n}y_i\pi(i)\\ &=m\Phi\sum_{i=1}^n|y_i|\pi(i)=m\Phi \end{aligned} \] Return to the proof of lower bound. Let \(x\) be any vector satisfying \[ \sum_i d(i)x_i=0,\sum_id(i)x_i^2=1 \] Assume \(x_1\ge \cdots\ge x_n\). Let \(k\) be the index such that \(\pi(\{1,\cdots,k-1\})\le 1/2\) and \(\pi(\{1,\cdots,k\})>1/2\). Therefore, \(x_1-x_k\ge\cdots\ge x_{k-1}-x_k\ge0\ge x_{k+1}-x_k\ge\cdots\ge x_n-x_k\). Set \(z_i=\max\{0,x_i-x_k\}\). Then \(z_i=0\) for \(i\ge k\). \[ \sum_i \pi_i(x_i-x_k)^2=\sum_{i}\pi_iz_i^2+\sum_{i>k}\pi_i(x_i-x_k)^2 \] By replacing \(x\) with \(-x\) we may assume \(\sum_{i}\pi_iz_i^2\ge\sum_{i>k}\pi_i(x_i-x_k)^2\). Thus we have \[ \sum_i\pi_iz_i^2\ge \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\pi_i(x_i-x_k)^2\ge\frac{1}{4m} \] Apply the above lemma to \(y_i=z_i^2/\sum_i\pi_iz_i^2\). We obtain \[ \sum_{i\sim j}|z^2_i-z_j^2|\ge m\Phi\sum_i\pi_iz_i^2 \] On the other hand, by Cauchy inequality \[ (\sum_{i\sim j}|z_i^2-z_j^2|)^2\le(\sum_{i\sim j}(z_i-z_j)^2)(\sum_{i\sim j}(z_i+z_j)^2) \] Furthermore, \[ \sum_{i\sim j}(z_i+z_j)^2\le 2\sum_{i\sim j}z_i^2+z_j^2=\sum_{i,j}a_{ij}(z_i^2+z_j^2)=4m\sum_i\pi_iz_i^2 \] Combining these results together, we have \[ \sum_{i\sim j}(z_i-z_j)^2\ge \frac{m^2\Phi^2}{4m}\sum_i\pi_iz_i^2\ge\frac{\Phi^2}{16} \] The theorem follows from the fact that \(\sum_{i\sim j}(x_i-x_j)^2\ge\sum_{i\sim j}(z_i-z_j)^2\).

We remark that conductance is similar to what is so called Cheeger constant defined as \[ h_G=\min_S\frac{|\nabla(S)|}{2m\min\{\pi(S),\pi(\bar{S})\}} \] the lower bound lemma goes without modification for \(h_G\). Thus we can feel free to replace \(\Phi\) with \(h_G\).

  1. 1. Basic Notions
  2. 2. Stationary Distribution
  3. 3. Spectra and Access Time
  4. 4. Spectra and Mixing Rate