Everything is Connected

Random Perturbation to Low Rank Matrices

Word count: 919Reading time: 5 min
2021/04/09 Share


Let \(A\) stand for the true symmetric matrix and \(E\) represent the perturbation. Let \(\lambda_i\)'s be the eigenvalues of \(A\), sorted in descending order and denote \(\delta=\lambda_1-\lambda_2\) to be the eigengap. Let \(u_i\) be the eigenvector of \(A\) and \(v_i\) be the eigenvector of \(A+E\). The classical Davis-Kahan theorem states that

\[ \sin(u_1,v_1)\le \frac{2\|E\|_{op}}{\delta} \]

up to constant the DK bound is sharp, as we see in the following example

\[ A=\left[\begin{array}{cc} 1+\epsilon & 0\\ 0 &1-\epsilon \end{array}\right],\, E=\left[\begin{array}{cc} -\epsilon & \epsilon \\ \epsilon & \epsilon \end{array}\right] \]

However, researchers find that in certain cases the bound can be improved. In Vu's paper, the author considered the following setting: \(A\) is an \(n\times n\) matrix but of low rank \(r\), \(E\) is a random Bernoulli matrix whose entries are iid random variables taking values \(\pm 1\) with probability \(1/2\). From random matrix theory we know that \(\|E\|_{op}=(2+o(1))\sqrt{n}\). Then the classical DK bound is about \(4\sqrt{n}/\delta\). But the experiment shows that this bound is far from optimal.


In the experiment we construct a \(400\times 400\) matrix \(A\) such that \(A(1,1)=10+\delta, A(2,2)=10\) and zero otherwise. We set \(\delta=100(1+rand)\) where \(rand\) is uniform on \([0,1]\) and we run 20 times. The blue bar represents the true \(\sin\) and red bar represents the classical DK bound. The result motivates us to find a sharper bound in random settings.

Random Noises

We state a simplified assumption on the random matrix \(E\) from Vu (just omit the constants). The \(n\times n\) matrix \(E\) is \(\gamma\)-concentrated if for all unit vectors \(u,v\) and every \(t\) we have

\[ \log\mathbb{P}(|u^TEv|>t)=O(-t^\gamma) \]

i.e. the rate tending to \(-\infty\) is in order at least \(\gamma\).


  • Bernoulli matrix is \(2\)-concentrated;
  • Gaussian matrix is \(2\)-concentrated;
  • Sub-exponential matrix is \(1\)-concentrated.

In particular, for bounded random matrices we have

Let \(E=(\xi_{ij})\) be a matrix with independent random variables each with mean zero. Furthermore, \(|\xi_{ij}|\le K\) a.s. for all \(i,j\). Then \(E\) is \(2\)-concentrated and \[ \mathbb{P}(|u^TEv|>t)\le 2\exp(\frac{-t^2}{2K^2}) \]

Improved DK bound

Note that

\[ \sin^2\angle (u_1,v_1) = 1-\cos^2\angle (u_1,v_1) = \sum_{i=2}^n |u_k\cdot v_1|^2 \]

Thus it suffices to bound \(|u_k\cdot v_1|\). In fact, Let \(Q=[u_2,\cdots,u_r]\) and \(P=[u_{r+1},\cdots,u_n]\). we want to bound

\[ \|Q^Tv_1\|^2 \text{ and } \|P^Tv_1\|^2 \]

For \(Q^Tv_1\) we have

\[ Q^T(A+E)v_1-Q^TAv_1=Q^TEv_1 \]

which is equivalent to

\[ (\mu_1I-\Lambda_r)Q^Tv_1 = Q^TEv_1 \]

where \(\Lambda_k\) is the diagonal matrix consisting of \(\lambda_2,\cdots,\lambda_r\). It follows

\[ |\mu_1-\lambda_2|\|Q^Tv_1\|\le \|Q^TEv_1\| \]

Thus we need a lower bound for gap \(|\mu_1-\lambda_2|\) and an upper bound for \(|Q^TEv_1|\). For \(\mu_1\) we have

\[ \mu_1 = \|A+E\|_{op}\ge u_1^T(A+E)u_1 = \lambda_1 + u_1^TEu_1 \]

Since \(E\) is \(\gamma\)-concentrated, we see that \(\mu_1\ge \lambda_1-t\) with probability at least \(1-\exp(O(-t^\gamma))\). If the eigengap \(\delta=\lambda_1-\lambda_2\) is sufficient large (for example, \(\delta= 2t\)) then \(\mu_1-\lambda_2>\delta/2\) with probability at least \(1-\exp(O(-\delta^\gamma))\).

From the above discussion we know \(\mu_1\ge \lambda_1/2\) with probability at least \(1-\exp(O(-\lambda_1^\gamma))\). Then

\[ (PP^Tv_1)^T(A+E)v_1-(PP^Tv_1)^TAv_1=(PP^Tv_1)^TEv_1 \]

Note that \(P^TA=0\) by our construction and so \(\mu_1(PP^Tv_1)^Tv_1=(PP^Tv_1)^TEv_1\). We know that

\[ \|P^Tv_1\|^2 = (PP^Tv_1)^Tv_1 \le \frac{1}{\mu_1}\|P^Tv_1\|\|E\|_{op} \]

Therefore, \(\|P^Tv_1\|\le 2\|E\|_{op}/\lambda_1\) with probability at least \(1-\exp(O(-\lambda_1^\gamma))\).

Now if we write \(v_1= (I-PP^T)v_1+PP^Tv_1\) then

\[ \|Q^TEv_1\|\le \|(I-PP^T)^TE(I-PP^T)\|_{op}+\|E\|_{op}\|P^Tv_1\| \]

By a standard \(\epsilon\)-net argument the first term is proved to be no greater than \(tr^{1/\gamma}\) with probability at least \(1-\exp(O(-rt^\gamma)+O(r))\). Above all we have

\[ \|Q^Tv_1\|\le \frac{2}{\delta}(tr^{1/\gamma}+2\frac{\|E\|_{op}^2}{\lambda_1}) \]

with probability at least \(1-\exp(O(-rt^\gamma)+O(r))-\exp(O(-\lambda_1^\gamma))-\exp(O(-\delta^\gamma))\).

Finally we see that the new bound is related to three items: the largest eigenvalue \(\lambda_1\), the eigengap \(\delta\) and the rank \(r\):

\[ \sin\angle (u_1,v_1)\le 4(\frac{tr^{1/\gamma}}{\delta}+\frac{\|E\|_{op}}{\lambda_1}+\frac{\|E\|^2_{op}}{\lambda_1\delta}) \]

with probability at least \(1-\exp(O(-rt^\gamma)+O(r))-\exp(O(-\lambda_1^\gamma))-\exp(O(-\delta^\gamma))\).

Remark 1. This result is only nontrivial if the amplitude of \(\lambda_1\) is much larger than \(\delta\) and \(\|E\|_{op}\) (otherwise when \(\lambda_1\sim\delta\) the bound is worse than classical DK bound). In this case the bound is \(O(r^{\gamma}/\delta)\) which is much better than \(O(n^{1/\gamma}/\delta)\).

Remark 2. From the above simulation we see that the bound is not sharp. Therefore there are chances to obtain better results for random perturbations.

  1. 1. Motivation
  2. 2. Random Noises
  3. 3. Improved DK bound