Everything is Connected


Word count: 273Reading time: 1 min
2021/10/19 Share

operating system: win10

Install Texlive

Download and install Texlive from this page.

Install SumatraPDF

Download and install SumatraPdf from this page.

Install Sublime Text

Download and install Sublime Text from this page.

Install Package Control plugin

  • Click the Preferences > Browse Packages… menu
  • Browse up a folder and then into the Installed Packages/ folder
  • Download Package Control.sublime-package and copy it into the Installed Packages/ directory
  • Restart Sublime Text

Install LatexTools plugin

  • Open the command palette by Ctrl + Shift + P
  • Type Install Packages and Enter
  • Type LatexTools and Enter

Update LatexTools settings

  • Click the Preferences > Packages Settings > LatexTools > Settings-User
  • If you are installing LatexTools for the first time, sublime will ask you to create a copy of default-setting in the User file. Click Ok to create this copy
  • Type Ctrl + F and find windows. Put your Texlive path and SumatraPDF path into texpath and sumatra. Fill distro by texlive and sublime_excutable by \your\sublime\path\subl.exe
  • Find builder. Replace tradition by simple
  • Find keep-focues. Set false

Auto Complete

Press Preferences > Settings. Add

"auto_complete_selector": "source,text",

Inverse Search in SumatraPDF

  • Add your SumatraPDF path to system environment path.
  • Open your SumatraPDF and click advanced settings. Set true for EnableTexEnhancement
  • Click settings and fill the last line with "your\sublime\path\sublime_text.exe" "%f:%l"


Create a new file and add the following


hello this is a \LaTeX testing file
\int_a^b f {\rm d}x = F(b)-F(a)

Press Ctrl + B to compile this tex file.

  1. 1. Install Texlive
  2. 2. Install SumatraPDF
  3. 3. Install Sublime Text
    1. 3.1. Install Package Control plugin
    2. 3.2. Install LatexTools plugin
    3. 3.3. Update LatexTools settings
    4. 3.4. Auto Complete
  4. 4. Inverse Search in SumatraPDF
  5. 5. Test