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Yueqi Cao's Blog

Tangent Space Estimation Using Local PCA
In this paper, A.Singer and H.-T. Wu derived an explicit expression for the bias and variance of local PCA in tangent space estimation. One thing to notice: when we have estimated a basis \(\widehat{E}\) and want to compare with the true basis \(E\), we can either consider the error between tw...
Extrinsic Quantities of Euclidean Submanifolds
Consider an \(m\)-dimensional compact Riemannian submanifold \(\mathcal{M}\) of a Euclidean space \(\mathbb{R}^n\) with \(m<n\). There are two aspects to investigate the geometry and topology about the submanifold. On the one hand, one can look at the intrinsic quantities defined on \(\mathcal...
Basics about Riemannian Submanifolds

The Second Fundamental Form

Let \((\tilde{M},\tilde{g})\) be a Riemannian manifold and \(M\subset \tilde{M}\) be a submanifold. By restricting \(\tilde{g}\) on \(M\) the submanifold is assigned with a natural Riemannian metric. At each point \(p\) we have the orthogonal decomposition with respect to \(\tilde{g}_p\), \[ T_p\tilde{M}=T_pM\oplus T_p^\perp M \] where \(T_p^\perp M\), called the normal space at \(p\), denotes the orthogonal complement of \(T_pM\) in \(T_p\tilde{M}\). Let \(T^\perp M=\cup_{p\in M}T_p^\perp M\). It can be verified that \(T^\perp M\) is a vector bundle on \(M\), called the normal bundle. The idea to study Riemannian submanifolds is straightforward: we differentiate the vector fields along \(M\) and look at its tangent components and normal components respectively.

Random Walk and Graph Spectra

Random walks arise in many fields in mathematics and physics, recently in network analysis, graph learning, clustering etc. It also has a natural relation with spectral graph theory. The survey written by L.Lovasz presents many beautiful results concerning random walks and graph spectra. We aim to write down some computation details missing in the original succinct paper.

Spectral Graph Partitioning

Informally, the problem of graph partitioning, or graph clustering, can be stated as follows: we want to partition a graph into several parts such that there are fewer edges between groups but more edges within groups. If there is a measurement on edges, i.e. the edges are weighted, then it can also be stated that we want a partition that nodes within groups are more similar. Graph partitioning can be encountered in many areas such as statistical learning, network analysis, graph learning. Other than data science, it is also related to graph theory and computer vision. One recalls that there is a classical problem called minimum cut in graph theory, which can be solved in polynomial time by the Stoer-Wagner algorithm. Graph partitioning can be regarded as a strengthened min-cut problem, since we not only want to find the minimal cut but also an 'equitable' partition.

Spectral clustering is one of the most popular approaches to solve graph partitioning. It has a long history which can date back to 1970s and it is popularized in data science as a machine learning method. Results obtained by spectral clustering often outperform traditional methods. Moreover, it is very simple to implement and the mathematics is nothing but standard linear algebra. A comprehensive tutorial written by U. von Luxburg provides many different aspects to understand spectral clustering including random walk, perturbation theory and so on. Here we may cover the basics from the easiest way: linear algebra.

Forman-Ricci Curvature on Complexes

Bochner-Weitzenb\(\bf\ddot{o}\)ck Formula on Riemannian Manifolds

Let \((M,g)\) be an \(n\)-dimensional Riemannian manifold, and \(\nabla\) be the Levi-Civita connection. Recall that for a smooth function (or 0-form) \(f\in C^\infty(M)=\mathcal A^0(M)\), the Laplacian of smooth functions is defined as \[ \Delta_0(f)=\text{tr}\nabla^2(f)=\text{div}(\text{grad}(f)) \] The definition \(\Delta_0=\text{tr}\nabla^2\) can be generalized to arbitrary \(p\)-forms and is called the connection Laplacian. Suppose in addition \(M\) is oriented. Let \(d:\mathcal A^p(M)\to\mathcal A^{p+1}(M)\) be the differential operator. We can define the adjoint operator \(d^{\*}\) of \(d\) using the Hodge star operator. i.e. \(d^{\*}:\mathcal A^{p+1}(M)\to\mathcal A^p(M)\) is the operator satisfying \(\langle d\alpha,\beta\rangle=\langle\alpha,d^{\*}\beta\rangle=\int_Md\alpha\wedge {\*}\beta\) for \(\alpha\in\mathcal A^p(M)\) and \(\beta\in\mathcal A^{p+1}\). The Hodge Laplacian is defined by \[ \Delta=dd^*+d^*d \] By direct computation, we can see that \(\Delta=-\Delta_0\) on \(C^\infty(M)=\mathcal A^0(M)\). However, it is much more complicated in higher dimensions.

Local-to-Global Convexity

Convex Functions

Recall that a function \(f:I\to \mathbb R\) is called convex if \[ f(tx+(1-t)y)\le tf(x)+(1-t)f(y) \] for any \(t\in[0,1]\) and \(x,y\in I\) where \(I\) is an interval in \(\mathbb R\). In some context, \(f\) is called \(p\)-convex if \(f^p\) is convex in the meaning of (1). \(f\) is called quasi-convex if \[ f(t)\le\max\{f(a),f(b)\} \] for any \(t\in [a,b]\). Note that if \(f\) is convex then \(f\) is necessarily quasi-convex. Quasi-convex functions are also called peakless in Busemann's articles.

If \(f\) is differentiable, then we have a simple rule to determine its convexity: \(f\) is convex if and only if \(f'\) is non-decreasing. If \(f\) is twice differentiable, then \(f\) is convex if and only if \(f''\) is non-negative. From these rules we can see that convexity is a local property for differentiable functions. i.e. say that \(f\) is locally convex if for any \(x\) there is a neighborhood such that \(f\) is convex on that neighborhood. If \(f\) is differentiable and locally convex, by the above discussions locally convexity implies global convexity.

翻译自2014年12月22日西蒙斯基金会对Gromov的采访. 在向米沙·格罗莫夫(米沙是米哈伊尔的昵称)征求了18个月的同意后,我终于到巴黎左岸中心的奥登地铁站度过了完美的一天,想着这个男人最后究竟会不会放我鸽子。 格罗莫夫在法国的高等科学研究所和纽约大学的库朗研究所任职。这使得他是一个很难亲自碰面的数学家。并且正如追随他的数学家所证实的,他的思想也不易让人捕捉。 我在繁忙的街道上发现他,他如同一只稀有的鸟。其实,格罗莫夫看上去更像一个观鸟者,他的白色棒球帽向上倾斜在达尔文式的毛发上,他的衬衫紧紧地塞了起来。我们去了咖啡馆并点了巴黎水,随后的事情则进展快速。 “什么是数学?...
Stability Theorems in Topological Data Analysis (4)

Let \(\mathbb X\) be a triangulable, compact metric space, \(f,g:\mathbb X\to\mathbb R\) be tame functions (that is, \(f\) and \(g\) have finitely many homological critical values.) The sublevel sets of \(f\) (resp. \(g\)) form a filtration of spaces. Using fields as coefficient groups, It gives a finite sequence of homology groups (vector spaces) in each dimension. A homology class is born if it is not an image from preceding homology groups, and is said to be died if it merges with other classes when entering succeeding homology groups. With the notion of birth and death, in each dimension one can associate \(f\) (resp. \(g\)) a multiset in the two-plane called the persistence diagram, denoted by \(D_k(f)\) (resp. \(D_k(g)\)) for \(k=0,1,\cdots\). The bottleneck distance of \(D_k(f)\) and \(D_k(g)\) is defined as \[ d_B(D_k(f),D_k(g)):=\inf_{\gamma \text{ bijection}}\sup_{x\in D_k(f)}||x-\gamma(x)||_{\infty} \] It was proved that persistence diagrams are robust to small perturbations of functions. More specifically, David Cohen-Steiner, Herbert Edelsbrunner, John Harer ('2007') proved that, for each \(k\) one has \[ d_B(D_k(f),D_k(g))\le||f-g||_\infty \] In analogy to Wasserstein distance, they note that bottleneck distance is a special case of a more general form. Let \(D(f)\) be the union of all \(D_k(f)\). Define the degree-\(p\) Wasserstein distance between \(D(f)\) and \(D(g)\) by \[ W_p(D(f),D(g))=\left[\inf_{\gamma \text{ bijections}}\sum_{x\in D(f)}||x-\gamma(x)||_\infty^p\right]^{\frac{1}{p}} \] To prove a stability result for Wasserstein distance, additional conditions are required for the space \(\mathbb X\) and functions \(f\) and \(g\). We shall explain the details about the work of David Cohen-Steiner, Herbert Edelsbrunner, John Harer, Yuriy Mileyko ('2010').

Yueqi Cao
Genius only means hard working all one's life. --Mendeleyev
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